Thursday 27 November 2014

Ghost (in the machine) Stories

  • A sad tale's best for winter: I have one
    Of sprites and goblins. 
  • Shakespeare, The Winter's Tale

So Halloween may be long gone but ghost stories are traditional for the midst of winter and even at Christmas so that's what we're going to be looking at today.

First of all play through the Twine game, The Uncle Who Works for Nintendo.
This is a horror game so expect a creepy atmosphere and the occasional shock.

Done that?

Now have a look at this video of the 2002 GameCube game Eternal Darkness . It's quite long so don't think you have to watch the entire thing!

Thursday 20 November 2014

Hey Listen!

This week we're going to be using the opening cutscene (or another of your choice) to inspire our interactive fiction.

Here's my attempt at reproducing this scene:

In Twine.

Download the file

And click on "import from file".

Now it's your turn!

Choose Your Own Authoring Tools

We're back with a new group and new ways of creating adventures.

We've already looked at Adam Cadre's work and we're ready to start writing our own adventures.

This year we're moving on from the basic Word based games and exploring free online authoring tools.

For the last couple of weeks we've been looking Quest which can produce either paragraph based games (like the Choose Your Own Adventure or Fighting Fantasy books) or text adventure/interactive fiction piece (so Zork! or 9:05).

This week we're going to be exploring Twine which is a way of producing hypertext fiction quickly and easily.

If you have admin privileges on your computer you can also try Choice of Game's ChoiceScript.